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Kweilin Ellingrud | “Accelerating Global Gender Equality”
Ellingrud on workers looking for jobs with flexibility
Kweilin Ellingrud – WEPs 2016 Day 1
Kweilin Ellingrud on working differently in the AI age
Women of Distinction 2018 Honoree—Kweilin Ellingrud
Breaking Barriers: Strategies for Elevating Women to C-Suite Roles in China
1st Tuesday - Kweilin Ellingrud, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company
Interview with Ms Kweilin Ellingrud, SDG Media Zone Gender Data Launch (28th November, 2017)
Generative AI: How will it affect future jobs and workflows
Ellingrud on hybrid work and gender equality
The Benefits of Advancing Workplace Gender Equality in Asia
Removing Barriers: Gender Equality in the Workplace